Making changes/improvements to your home or property?
An ACC Request is a request made from a homeowner to make changes to the exterior of their home or yard. The committee that oversees the approval of the request are called Architectural Control Committee (ACC) or Architectural Review Committee.
All homeowners must recognize that the purpose of architectural control is not to restrict or stifle the improvement of one’s property. It is, however, necessary to ensure that exterior architectural changes are accomplished in the community within a framework that protects all homeowner’s property rights and values. Although architectural control is enforceable by law, its success is predicated on the spirit of voluntary cooperation by each and every homeowner to ensure that your community will always be a desirable place to live.
Exterior changes include but are not limited to: house color, major landscaping changes, roof color, fences, tree removal, etc. To be on the safe side, don’t change anything on the outside of your home or property before receiving approval because it could lead to a fine or you having to remove the change.
The first step to submitting an ACC request.
1. Sign into your online Portal. You Do Not Need to fill out a manual form.
2. The ACC Page is under your Account Info Tab. Once There fill out the information, Upload any attachment necessary, like a Plat / Survey, Photos or documents from Solar or Pool Company etc.
3. Check off the Acknowledgement Requirements on the Form and simply SUBMIT.

IMPORTANT – Enter only one item request per submission.
Submitting application for review to the architectural review committee: The application includes the specifications of the property and the request for modifications and improvements. Details may include pictures, architectural plans, permits and surveys. It may also simply be a written letter from the homeowners containing all of the required information.
Committee Review: The architectural committee reviews applications. Based on the operation rules and fiduciary responsibility to the association, committees review the application with set guidelines. If variations are allowed in certain circumstances, the committee will review the plans and determine whether or not the proposal meets the necessary standards.
Decision: Once the architectural review committee has reached a decision, they submit their recommendation to HOA Management Services for final approval/disapproval. HOA Management Services will inform howeowner in writing of the ACCs decision. Please note there is up to a 30 day time frame for the process to complete. However in many cases the homeowner is given a response much sooner.
What Is a Plat Map?

A plat map, also known as a “plat,” shows you how a tract of land is divided into lots in your county. It is drawn to scale and records the land’s size, boundary locations, nearby streets, flood zones, and any easements or rights of way.
A plat map is required if a piece of land is to be subdivided into lots for building homes or if the land is to be made into a public-access location, like a park. This map is also typically included in the paperwork you get when you buy a home.
If your deed uses subdivision lot numbers to describe your land, then it’s been platted. But if your deed uses geographical references—also called “metes and bounds”—to describe the size and shape of your property, then it hasn’t been platted.
Include the set backs in your drawing

Draw where your improvement will be located